Lena Andersen
Så utrolig kjekt å ønske deg velkommen inn i mitt malestudio og galleri!
Mitt utgangspunkt er en stor lidenskap for å skape. Jeg maler abstrakte malerier i ulike størrelser og uttrykk. Jeg jobber intuitivt, bruker farger, bevegelser og elementer til å skape ulike uttrykk og følelser. Jeg inspireres av det vakre - både natur, interiør, design og opplevelser.
Lena Andersen (b. 1976) is an artist from Norway. She has had several separate exhibitions in Norway, and has been purchased both by art associations, companies and private collectors. She has decorated several buildings and restaurants in Norway. Her starting point was a great passion for creating. She is an autodidact artist. After many years of exploratory creativity, along with her education in marketing communication, coaching and mindfulness, she has now taken the step out as a full-time artist.
She paints abstract paintings in different sizes and expressions. She works intuitively, use colors, movements and elements to create different expressions and emotions. She is inspired by beauty - both nature, interior, design and experiences. Her goal and desire are that her paintings touch and move the viewer! Lena has her painting studio in Sandnes Course & Art Center. She has created a great framework for creativity and development. Here she has the pleasure of creating, as well as sharing her passion with other creative souls by arranging painting courses and workshops.
LenaA also run her own gallery "Galleri LenaA" in her hometown Sandnes. This gives her a great opportunity to present what she creates and the paintings she has for sale. LenaA also arrange yearly exhibitions where she convey an experience for those who participate.